Monday, February 9, 2009

LAUP Spotlight Campaign - Jan. 2009

Los Angeles Universal Preschool is an independent  public benefit corporation funded by First 5 LA. Their goal is to make sure every 4 year old child in Los angeles County have access to high quality, affordable preschool education. 
Vision Advertising have collaborated with LAUP developing various campaigns to communicate their goals and objectives to diverse audiences. As a freelance producer I had the opportunity to field produce and edit 4 spots of LAUP's 2009 Spotlight Campaign.
This is one of the spots already On Air.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Demo Reel


This is 1 of  5 spots produced for a sports campaign done for DIRECTV Puerto Rico 
and SKY México. I was part of the creative team that developed concept and copy. 

SPL Killer

We won 2 Promax BDA World awards with this sports promo for SPL La Liga Española. I developed concept and wrote copy. Creative direction came from Miguel Sanchez, editing and animation was in the hands of Andre Castro, and Alex Menck was in charge of audio design.

SKY January Monthly

SKY PPV January Monthly
This is an example of a branding/image spot produced every month to promote the main titles of ppv offering. I was in charge of concept, copywriting and production of this piece. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

SPL Killer- spec print ad

This is a spec print ad for SPL Killer campaign.

Tips & Tricks "Batteries"

This is another spot from the campaign Tips & Tricks.